
A Unique Subset of the Distribution Industry

Electrical distributors represent a unique subset of the distribution industry. Large distributors sell millions of parts from thousands of suppliers through complex contracts with unique pricing for various customer/supplier/project combinations. Competition among the top 50 distributors is fierce and margins are tight. A single customer contract can represent tens of millions of dollars. Winning or losing just one of these contracts can have a huge impact on the companies bottom line.

RFP Wins + Maximized Profits

Winning RFP contracts is critical for the continued growth and success in this industry. Electrical distributors need a solution to respond to as many RFPs as possible accurately and aggressively while maintaining favorable profit margins. Every RFP response should be analyzed and optimized for the greatest opportunity of a customer win without leaving money on the table.

5 of the Top 16 Electrical Suppliers
- according to Electrical Wholesaler magazine's ranking of top electrical suppliers

Blue Fox Software has extensive expertise in the electrical supply industry, and our solutions are uniquely positioned for maximum ROI. 5 of the top 16 electrical suppliers use Blue Fox solutions to optimize their profitability. The Echelon Intelligence Suite has helped electrical suppliers meet their challenges head on and turn them into their competitive advantage. Contact one of our representatives to see how we can increase your organizations profitability.